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Top medical sales skills you need to succeed

In the dynamic and competitive world of medical sales, the path to success is not just about knowing your products or having an impressive CV.

Instead, amongst key skills, it's often the ability to navigate challenges and setbacks with resilience and adaptability that sets apart the true achievers.

These qualities allow individuals and organisations to navigate uncertainty, seize opportunities, and respond to challenges effectively, with proven impact on performance and wellbeing.

Read on and learn how to master resilience and adaptability for success in medical sales:

What is resilience?

Resilience is your capacity to bounce back from adversity, overcome obstacles, and remain motivated and focused in the face of challenges.

In the medical sales arena, where rejection and obstacles are part and parcel of the journey, resilience is not a luxury but a necessity.

How to develop resilience

Mindset matters:

Train your mind to see setbacks as opportunities for growth. Instead of dwelling on a lost sale or a tough pitch, focus on what you can learn from the experience and how you can improve for the next encounter.

Seek support:

Don't hesitate to reach out to colleagues or mentors for advice and support. Sharing your challenges with others can provide fresh perspectives and help you find new solutions.


Maintain a healthy work-life balance. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet contribute to your overall well-being, making it easier to handle stress.

Embracing adaptability:

Although resilience and adaptability are linked, there are key differences. Resilience involves effectively coping with and rebounding from external events or challenges, demonstrating one's ability to withstand adversity.

In contrast, adaptability goes a step further by not just enduring challenges but actively evolving and flourishing in response to them, showcasing a capacity to embrace change and leverage it for growth.

How to develop adaptability:

Stay informed:

Continuously educate yourself about the latest developments in healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Being knowledgeable about industry trends will enable you to anticipate changes in your customers' needs and stay ahead of the competition.

Customer-centric approach:

Put yourself in your customers' shoes. Understand their pain points and tailor your approach to address their specific needs. Flexibility and willingness to adjust your strategies to suit each customer can make a significant difference.

Feedback is key:

Actively seek feedback from your customers. Listen to their concerns and suggestions, and use this information to refine your sales approach. The ability to adapt based on customer feedback can lead to long-term relationships and increased sales.

Handling rejection and challenges:

Rejection is an inherent part of any sales job, and medical sales is no exception. To navigate rejection and challenges effectively:

● Stay positive: Keep a positive attitude even in the face of rejection. Remember that every 'no' brings you one step closer to a 'yes.'

● Learn from rejections: Analyse why you faced rejection and use this information to improve your sales techniques.

● Maintain a growth mindset: Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, both personally and professionally.

Adapting to changing customer needs:

Stay informed: Continuously educate yourself about your products and the healthcare industry in order to stay ahead.

Stay connected: Foster strong relationships with your customers by understanding their evolving needs. Tap into the experience of your peers, like Stacey, a Medical Sales Representative at IQVIA, with over 15 years of healthcare experience.

Be flexible: Be ready to modify your approach and solutions to align with your customers' changing priorities.

Stress management in the workplace:

In the workplace, a regular amount of stress is normal and often beneficial as it can drive motivation, enhance focus, and promote productivity. It can help you meet deadlines and adapt to changing demands.

However, excessive or chronic workplace stress can lead to burnout, reduced performance, and health issues. So it's essential to manage and balance stress levels to maintain a healthy and productive work-life balance.

And remember, you’re not alone. In fact, a survey by Perkbox revealed that 79% of British adults experience work-related stress. And a global survey by Gallup revealed four in 10 adults worldwide experienced a lot of worry (42%) or stress (41%).

Here are a few strategies you can try for managing stress in the workplace:

Time management: Prioritise tasks and set realistic goals to manage your workload effectively. Test and try different prioritisation techniques to help you evaluate and set your top priorities, such as writing out your to-do list in order of importance vs urgency.

Deep breathing and meditation: These techniques can help you stay calm and focused.

Physical activity: Regular exercise can reduce stress and increase your resilience.

Seek support: Don't hesitate to seek professional help or talk to a counsellor if stress becomes overwhelming.

Strengthen and leverage your medical sales skills at IQVIA

Resilience and adaptability are the pillars of success in medical sales. These skills will not only help you navigate challenges and ever-changing customer needs but also contribute to your personal growth and career advancement.

If you're ready to put your skills to the test and explore exciting new medical sales jobs, consider joining IQVIA. Here, you can leverage these skills, grow, and challenge yourself in a supportive, dynamic, and rewarding environment.

List #1

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